Tuesday, November 26, 2019
declaration of independance essays
declaration of independance essays There are many abstractions in the Declaration of Independence. These abstractions such as: rights, freedom, liberty and happiness have become the foundations of American society and have helped to shape the "American Identity." Power, another abstraction that reoccurs in all the major parts of the Declaration of Independence plays an equally important role in shaping "America identity." One forgets the abstraction of power, because it appears in relation to other institutions: the legislature, the King, the earth, and the military. The abstraction of power sets the tone of the Declaration, and shapes the colonists conception of government and society. Power in the Declaration of Independence flows from distinct bodies within society such as the King, the legislature, the military, The Oxford English Dictionary defines power as, "the ability to do or effect something or anything, or to act upon a person or thing" (OED 2536). Throughout the ages according to the dictionary the word power has connoted similar meanings. In 1470 the word power meant to have strength and the ability to do something, "With all thair strang *poweir" (OED 2536) Nearly three hundred years later in 1785 the word power carried the same meaning of control, strength, and force, "power to produce an effect, supposes power not to produce it; otherwise it is not power but necessity" (OED 2536). This definition explains how the power government or social institutions rests in their ability to command people, rocks, colonies to do something they otherwise would not do. To make the people pay taxes. To make the rocks form into a fence. To make the colonists honor the King. The colonialists adopt this interpretation of power. They see power as a cruel force that has wedded them to a King who has "a history of repeated injuries and usurptions." The framers of the Declaration of ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Definite vs. Definitive
Definite vs. Definitive Definite vs. Definitive Definite vs. Definitive By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, Would you please explain what is the difference between definite and definitive. Definite is the adjective to use in the sense of clear, certain, unambiguous. For example: Think carefully before choosing 24-bit and 96kHz, unless you have a definite reason for wanting these options. One sets out into the forest for a definite reason and with a definite goal in mind. I asked my boyfriend to give me a definite answer about our future. Use definitive when the sense is decisive, complete, authoritative, final, determinate. Edward Van Halen: A Definitive Biography Five Reasons the 1978 Superman Remains Definitive The Definitive Guide to Cancer, 3rd Edition The first comprehensive psychiatry textbook to integrate the new DSM-5 ® criteria, this acclaimed gold standard is the definitive guide for a new era in psychiatric education and practice. Here are examples of definitive used in contexts that call for plain old definite: Just want a definitive answer can my 2 year old use the kids club facilities My girlfriend broke up with me, but she never gave a definitive reason as to why. He can’t actually give me a definitive reason as to why he doesn’t like cats. Both words connote the setting of limits, but definitive goes further than definite to mean â€Å"most complete, most authoritative.†A definitive reason, answer, or decision is one that satisfies a specific body of criteria. Studies, textbooks, and decisions by such authorities as the Supreme Court may be said to be definitive. If all you mean is unambiguous, use definite. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Possessive of Proper Names Ending in SWhat's a Male Mistress?Especially vs. Specially
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Low carbohydrates diets lead to weight loss transformation, but leave Essay
Low carbohydrates diets lead to weight loss transformation, but leave lasting harms of mental illness and depression - Essay Example The most prominent and important consequence of a low carbohydrate diet are psychological problems such as depression. â€Å"Consumption of diets low in carbohydrate tends to precipitate depression, since the production of brain chemicals serotonin and tryptophan that promote the feeling of well being, is triggered by carbohydrate rich foods†(Sathyanarayana et al, 2008) Previously, most people in order to shed the extra pounds engaged in low fat diets where intake of fatty, oily and fattening food products were not consumes however low fat diet programs have been today replaced by the low carbohydrate diet program. This happened primarily because low fat diet program approaches that â€Å"decrease fat mass also result in undesirable loss of lean body mass†(Volek et al, 2010) since after the depletion of fats in the body the stored muscle proteins are targeted for energy extraction. Thus a diet program where the carbohydrate is restricted means that the lean body mass of a person would be preserved since right after energy extraction from stored carbohydrates the body targets the stored fats and not muscle proteins. In order to lose weight fast low carbohydrate diets are very much in vogue since they yield the results much faster and much more efficiently than other diet plans that are designed and followed. Today low carbohydrate diet is al so done as a treatment for several problems such as obesity, CVD etc. In an average person’s life the highest intake through food is mostly that of carbohydrates. An average person consumes carbohydrate in form of staple foods such as bread, rice, pasta etc. However when a person undergoes a low carbohydrate diet he/she is prohibited from consuming such easy digestible carbohydrate food products and is given a much more protein enriched and fat enriched diet such as meat, cheese, poultry etc. Improvement of body
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business Ethics In an Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Ethics In an Organisation - Essay Example TCF has to its credit more than 330 schools to date and it plans to build a total of 1000 schools before it decides to go on the support mode – meaning whereby it would just look after the schools already built and not construct any further. TCF schools are a mark of quality and dedication – built from strength to strength of the organizational employees, its varied stakeholders and the innumerable donors who have done more than they could in such a short period of time. For TCF to remain committed to its cause of providing state of the art and free education there is a dire need to comprehend the fact that TCF remains ethically correct in all its actions, behaviors and talks. For this, there are several departments working within its realms which take care of these facets from time to time. In fact the vision is set on a very proactive level within the lengths and breadths of TCF itself. TCF provides complete financial details and break up of the tasks to it donors on a periodic basis and makes sure that the donors remain on board with the ethical domains of the organization at all times. There is a separate department that looks at the way these donors are managed. It is known as the Resource Mobilization department which essentially takes care of the donors and the resources that are mobilized through them towards the schools that they build in either their own name or of their company’s. Coming to the quarters of understanding the ethical undertakings within the business realms of TCF itself, one finds that TCF has long adhered to the principle of being transparent to all its stakeholders and thus the fact that its annual reports, financial ledgers and other similar resources are shared not only within the organization itself but also with the stakeholders and the general public at large. What this does is to have a proper one-on-one interaction with the people who want to donate just about anything under the banner of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Treatment of Premarin Mares and Foals Essay Example for Free
The Treatment of Premarin Mares and Foals Essay You may begin by asking â€Å"what is Premarin? †This is a female hormone replacement drug taken by menopausal women (women that have reached the age where their menstrual period ends) to help alleviate symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness (Pfizer). It is a vaginal estrogen medication that can be substituted by a plant-based drug rather than this horrific drug. Now you may be thinking that this may actually be a good drug. Well, there is a dark side to this drug that the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and popular drug company Pfizer, doesn’t want women to know about. One of those things is the fact that the name Premarin, actually stands for Pregnant Mares Urine. Women are really ingesting horse’s urine. The goal of these drug companies is to gather concentrated pregnant horse’s urine and put it into a pill, vaginal ring, or cream form to distribute to women, giving them hopes of feeling younger. I will explain in more detail about the drug and its effects, but am going to prove that the treatment of these horses while humans attempt to collect the horse’s concentrated urine is completely unacceptable and 100% animal abuse and neglect. We will start at the point of collecting the urine for this drug. There are farms called Pregnant Mare’s Urine (PMU) farms. If you were to visit one of these farms, you would find a barn full of pregnant mares (horses) that are locked in 38 foot stalls, forced to stand for 11 months (a horse’s natural gestation period) with a â€Å"urine collector†hooked to them. One mare provides approximately nine women with estrogen replacement for one year. These mares are turned out at birthing time to give birth and be rebred. Seeing as the mare must be pregnant to be of use to the farms, if the mare does not rebreed within a month and a half, the mare will be put to pasture along with all the foals that go to the â€Å"last chance corral†where they have the ability to be adopted or they will be sent to slaughter. Approximately 9 of 10 colts (male foals) and 8 of 10 fillies (female foals) are sent to slaughter every year (Springhill). Horses that are unfortunate enough to go to slaughter, are generally used for horse meat in Europe and Japanese areas where it is considered a delicacy. This may sound horrific enough, much like a puppy mill producing 60,000 foals per year; however the really disturbing part is yet to be shared. The urine collectors that are hooked up to the mares are rarely cleaned. Now instead of it just being horse’s urine, it’s dirty horse’s urine. And the horse’s urine has to be concentrated, which means these mares must be deprived of water and food, meaning their urine is deprived of any nutrient there may have been. These horses are skin and bones after only a short while, due to the lack of proper nutrition. The FDA approved Premarin and a few other names of the drug, because it does work. However, if you look at the list of 52 extreme side effects, such as vaginal bleeding, increase in blood clots, and increased chances in uterine and breast cancers, which may, in itself detour you from taking this drug (Pfizer). So, why would doctors prescribe this drug to over 9 million women? Most of them only know that they see results when they prescribe this drug and that it is approved through the FDA. The same as with the general public, they don’t get on simple websites and do their homework about what doctors are asking them to ingest. Some of the other names Premarin goes by are Estrace, Estring, Femring, and Vagifem. Some alternatives are Prempro or Provera, which are both plant based ways to harvest estrogen, which offers far fewer serious side effects and just as much of a success rate in being effective. As you can see, Premarin is a dangerous and disgusting drug, that is a cruel and neglectful way of an attempt to make women in their menopausal stage feel better. This is no excuse for humans to treat horses this way, producing 60,000 foals per year, without enough people to adopt them. If you hear of a woman talking about Premarin, or menopause in general, urge them to look into the drugs their doctors want them to take, and if it happens to be Premarin, tell them the truth about these drugs and do not just let them be blinded like the doctors and Pfizer want you to be.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Physical, Emotional and Social Impairment Caused by Marijuana :: Use of Marijuana Essays
     Marijuana is a unique and controversial drug. It is a popular psychoactive drug that is easily accessible and relatively inexpensive. Marijuana is often considered a recreational drug despite its illegal status. It is illegal because there are many uncertainties surrounding this substance. In fact, some favor the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes while others oppose. Opponents of marijuana insist that legal approval will result in serious personal and social problems. There are three species of Marijuana. The most common and most psychoactive is a prepared mixture of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. Cannabis indica is known to be less potent and Cannabis ruderalis has virtually no psychoactive ingredients. Cannabis sativa will be analyzed in detail since it is the most commonly used species. This plant grows wild but it can be cultivated in temperate as well as tropical areas. Cannabis products can be smoked in pipes or cigarettes. They can also be ingested with food. Manufactured products range from paper to ink (WWW 2). Every plant varies slightly in composition and the different parts of the plant vary in chemical constituents. In 1993 researchers discovered 400 to 500 chemicals. Some of the major types of chemical constituents in marijuana preparations include acids, alcohols, aldehydes, and amino acids. Cannabinoids, esters, enzymes, glycoproteins, hydrocarbons, ketones, lactones, nitrogenous compounds, phenols, pigments, proteins, sugars, steroids, terpenes, and vitamins are others (Carroll 1993). These are among some of the naturally occurring chemicals in marijuana and were derived from the Institute of Medicine and the Marijuana Project from the University of Mississippi. Furthermore, researchers have found that when cannabis is burned, additional chemicals are formed and may be found in the gas and smoke. One of the chemicals produced is benzopyrene, which is a known carcinogen. It is approximately 70% more abundant in marijuana smoke than in tobacco smoke (Carroll 1993). Only about 30 of the chemicals in marijuana have been studied extensively for their psychoactive effects. Of these delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is known to be the most psychoactive chemical. This chemical is converted into over 60 other psychoactive metabolites by the liver (Carroll 1993). These chemical reactions, however, have either proved insignificant or not enough research has been conducted to prove their importance. Researchers have been mostly concerned with the interaction of THC in the humanbody. THC concentration in the human body depends on many factors. First of all, THC concentration varies throughout the plant.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale Essay
Figurative language was used by Margaret Atwood, through the persona of Offred, to illustrate The Handmaid’s Tale. Figurative Language consists of similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, hyperbole and idioms. First, figurative language can be used to describe different settings. 1. Offred’s experience at night in her bedroom â€Å"The heat at night is worse than the heat in daytime. Even with the fan on, nothing moves, and the walls store up warmth, give it out like a used oven. Surely it will rain soon. Why do I want it? It will only mean more dampness. There’s lightning far away but no thunder. Looking out the window I can see it, a glimmer, like the phosphorescence you get in stirred seawater, behind the sky, which is overcast and too low and a dull gray infrared. The searchlights are off, which is not usual. A power failure. Or else Serena Joy has arranged it.†(Pg. 243) * Similes * Described the environment * Room: Glimmer in the window, like stirred seawater * Heat: Used oven * Weather: Lightning but no thunder 2. Offred describing the Particicution of a man convicted of rape â€Å"There’s a surge forward, like a crowd at a rock concert in the former time, when the doors opened, that urgency coming like a wave through us. The air is bright with adrenaline, we are permitted anything and this is freedom, in my body also, I’m reeling, red spreads everywhere, but before that tide of cloth and bodies hits him Ofglen is shoving through the women in front of us, propelling herself with her elbows, left, right, and running towards him†¦A high scream comes from somewhere, like a horse in terror.†(Pg. 262-263) * Simile and metaphor * Ofglen kicked his head several times and later explained to Offred that the man was part of the underground rebellion, so she wanted to put him out of his misery quickly
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Case Study Essay Essay
Speed Racer. Like millions of other kids, he couldn’t wait to watch the hero’s slick Mach 5 take on villainous rivals in equally enticing race cars. The show came on at 3:30 p.m. If he was late, he missed it. Back then, there were no VCRs or DVRs to record the show for later viewing. There was no Internet. Like everyone else at the time, Kilar had to watch TV on the schedule dictated by the networks. Perhaps that’s why when Kilar grew up, he set out to change that antiquated model of television watching. By the time Kilar had reached the ripe old age of 36, home-recording devices had been household fixtures for well over two decades. But as far as Kilar was concerned, having to think ahead and set a device to record a show was still too much work. That’s why accepted the task of running Hulu, a joint venture by media giants NBC Universal and News Corporation that serves up TV shows and movies through a slick Web interface, when and wherever you want to view them. As Hulu began to take shape, speculation quickly turned to skepticism. What’s a Hulu? In August 2007, this question ricocheted through the blogosphere to a chorus of derisive laughter. NBC and Fox [News Corps’ TV broadcasting subsidiary] were going to make the Internet safe for television! They were building a â€Å"YouTube killer†! And they were calling it Hulu! It was almost too perfectâ€â€an absurdist topper to the idea that two major broadcast networks could devise an Internet video service people would actually use.The name was even more delicious than the venture’s placeholder moniker, NewCo, which the online world had changed to ClownCo.And now Hulu? It means â€Å"snoring†in Chinese, one blogger declared. â€Å"‘Cease’ and ‘desist’ in Swahili,†Michael Arrington reported on TechCrunch. â€Å"Perhaps they should have just stuck with ClownCo,†he added. In Mandarin, hulu actually means â€Å"bottle gourd,†or â€Å"holder of precious things.†But the word’s meaning doesn’t really matter much. What does matter is that since Hulu aired its first television program in March 2008, it has become the third most-viewed online video site, and it’s still rapidly growing. Entertainment Weekly called Hulu â€Å"some kind of TV addict’s fever dream.†One of the same bloggers who had earlier ridiculed Hulu soon pronounced it â€Å"brilliant.†And Mr. Arrington, coeditor of the famed blog TechCrunch and one of Hulu’s harshest early critics, ultimately declared, â€Å"Game over. Hulu wins.†The big question is this: Of all the world’s Web startups and video sites, what has made Hulu such an instant and unquestioned success? Focus On the Customer When Jeff Zucker, CEO of NBC Universal, and Peter Chernin, president of News Corporation’s Fox network, hired Jason Kilar, they handed him a relatively empty canvas in an industry mired with complexities. Kilar could have set any of a thousand different priorities in creating Hulu. But Kilar focused first on one primary priority that would guide the entire venture: the viewer. He insisted that Hulu be â€Å"obsessed with users.†If Hulu didn’t work for viewers, they simply wouldn’t tune in. Kilar wanted to capture the best parts of watching television the oldfashioned way and combine them with the best that modern technology could offer. He and his Hulu team considered all the barriers to watching television and movie programming via the existing options and then set out to squash them. Hulu is Web based, so it overcomes two of the most common inconveniences to watching regular TV It’s available 24/7, and . it doesn’t require that viewers set a device for recording. But all Web video sites offer those advantages. Beyond these basics, to ultimately draw people away from their TV sets to watch their favorite shows online, Hulu had to offer more. So Kilar and his team focused on some very specific benefits. User-friendly The top Internet servicesâ€â€Google, Flickr, YouTubeâ€â€earned their top spots because they’re simple. Hulu needed to do more than just claim user-friendlinessâ€â€its site needed to be clean, clutter-free, and have high-quality video. The site needed intuitive controls and navigation tools. And it needed to work seamlessly with all the popular Web browsers, without requiring additional downloads or special players.That obstacle had limited the success of many online video services. Kilar’s test for simplicity? His 62-year-old mom, Maureen, had to be able to cue up any video on the site within 15 seconds. As a result, Hulu emerged as the sleekest, easiest-to-use, and most professional video site on the Internet. According to Will Richmond, president of research firm Broadband Directions, Hulu â€Å"set the gold standard†for a TV-watching experience. â€Å"It has optimized all of the ingredientsâ€â€quality of video, navigation, and controls.†Videos stream almost instantly in high resolution on a large or even full screen, instead of a â€Å"postage-stamp-size screen with grainy video,†as Kilar puts it. What does Kilar’s mom think? â€Å"She talks a big game, but she’s not technical,†said Kilar. But when Maureen discovered how easy it was to pull up episodes of the old TV classic Alfred Hitchcock Presents on Hulu, she was hooked. A Ton of Content Kilar also knew that slick and easy wouldn’t be enough without having programming that people wanted to see. When given the initial list of programs that would be available on Hulu, Kilar was very disappointed. â€Å"It was one piece of paper,†he said. â€Å"I wished it was a phone book.†CC1 CC2 Company Cases Kilar informed the gurus at NBC and Fox that for Hulu to work, the two companies needed to provide access to every movie they had ever made and every show they had ever aired. The network chiefs explained that existing contracts and legal complexities made that virtually impossible. But Kilar held his ground, and NBC and Fox quickly came around, digging deep to gain legal clearance for everything that they could. To give viewers even more content, Kilar suggested a strategy to Fox and NBC executives verged on heresy. He wanted to show programming from competing networks and production companiesâ€â€to sell the competition’s products. In fact, he wanted Hulu to be perceived as its own entity, not tied to any existing network. â€Å"Hulu is about the shows, not the networks,†Kilar argued.â€Å"The shows are the brands that users care about.†Once the idea settled in, Chernin and Zucker agreed. As a result, when Hulu went live, it boasted more than 250 TV shows and 100 movies from Fox, NBC, Universal, their affiliated cable channels, and more than 50 content partners such as Warner Brothers and indie film studio Lionsgate. In addition to hosting content on its own Web site, Hulu links seamlessly to video content on other video sites, even those of competing networks. In the time since Hulu began airing programs, the number of content partners has swelled to 130 and its library has grown exponentially. That library includes full episodes and even full seasons of television programs, clips from shows (clips of NBC’s Saturday Night Live are among the most viewed on the Internet), movies, and even instructional Web videos such as â€Å"How to Make Stuffed Crust Pizza.†Cost (as in Free!) Kilar also knew that for Hulu to succeed, it had to be free. After all, that’s how people had been watching broadcast television for decades. And on the Internet, people have come to expect â€Å"free.†But offering free content created a problem. Such programming had to be supported with ads, and viewers don’t like those either. So Hulu created a very reasonable compromise. The standard for broadcast television is eight minutes of ads per half-hour of programming. Hulu inserts only two minutes of ads per half hour. Given all that they get, viewers don’t seem to mind the brief interruptions. Great Quality, User-based Programming, and Embed Codes A great video player and lots of free programs are things that viewers want most. But in his relentless pursuit to please viewers, Kilar went even further. He went for first-class quality, in both selection and viewing. Hulu relies on a small army of film students to screen every minute of footage, looking for video and audio glitches. And instead of having Hulu executives set programming priorities, Hulu lets users do it. Popularity alone moves a show up in the ratings. As a result, some rather odd shows have risen to the top. One of most highly rated shows on Hulu is It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, an FX series starring Danny DeVito. Another is Arrested Development, a cult favorite that won Emmys and critical acclaim but was canceled by Fox because of poor ratings. In yet another â€Å"Is this guy crazy?†move, Kilar decided that Hulu should provide embed codes so that users could post content on their own sites. Not only does Hulu feature content from the competition, it gives its own content away! Users love this because they can share programming with others. It works for Hulu because it doesn’t really give the content away. It enables its videos to go viral, bringing more viewers to sponsors’ ads. Embracing the Future Hulu’s focus on pleasing viewers is certainly showing results. In only a few months, Hulu ranked among the Web’s top-ten video sites, besting even ESPN.com. The month following Hulu’s airing of a very clever ad featuring 30 Rock’s Alex Baldwin on Super Bowl XLIII, the site’s viewership increased by 55 percent to 7.8 million with 332 million streams. This catapulted Hulu past Microsoft and Viacom, putting it at the heels of number-three Yahoo! (with 353 million streams) and number two MySpace (with 462 million streams). A few months later, Hulu passed Yahoo! In the world of online video sites, YouTube still dominates with 5.3 billion streams every month. But the market offerings of YouTube and MySpace are very different from Hulu’s, so Hulu lays claim to being the market leader for TV-oriented sites.  Despite its success in such a short time, Hulu ‘s future is hardly guaranteed. Consumers are fickle, especially in a world of constantly changing technologies where what’s hot today may be old news next year. NBC and News Corp recently added Disney and it’s ABC library to the partnership. But numerous other user-friendly, TV-style sites lurk in the shadows, including CBS’s TV.com and Viacom’s Joost. And don’t forget one of the biggest competitors of all: viewers themselves.A major reason that NBC and Fox created Hulu in the first place was to combat video piracy. They were constantly having to intervene to pull clips of their shows off of YouTube and other video sites. And peer-to-peer BitTorrent networks were threatening to inflict the same damage on the television industry that the likes of Napster inflicted on the music industry. Shortly after their initial plans leaked out, Chernin addressed the piracy problem head on. â€Å"You can’t protect old business models artificially,†he proclaimed. Unlike music industry executives who held back far too long, Chernin and Zucker realized that if they didn’t put their shows online, someone else would. â€Å"The best way to combat piracy is to make your content available,†said Zucker. â€Å"We want to make sure consumers know they don’t need to steal our content. That’s what Hulu is all about.†But while the minds at Hulu feel that their product will do a great deal to combat piracy, they are more concerned about a bigger issue: Giving the consumer everything they want may not always be the best thing for the business. From a profitability standpoint, the impact of making content available with minimal commercials could have adverse effects on the business models that have worked for decades. As viewership Company Cases turns from the TV to the Web, can the revenue generated through the new media replace that which will undoubtedly be lost through the old? Jason Kilar himself best captures the opportunities and threats presented by the volatility of the industry. â€Å"The world has turned completely upside down. I find that very inspiring. Others might be scared out of their wits. But to me, this is the way media always should have been.†Questions for Discussion 1. Describe Hulu’s market offering in detail. What value is Hulu really offering to users? 2. Is Hulu customer-driven? Why or why not? 3. Think about the three considerations underlying the societal marketing concept. Is Hulu sustainable? Support your conclusions for each consideration. 4. What recommendations would you make for Hulu’s future? Sources: Jessi Hempel, â€Å"Hulu’s Hurdles: Internet Video Sharing Site Tries to Serve Fans and Networks Alike,†Fortune, February 24, 2009, accessed online at www.money.cnn.com; Frank Rose, â€Å"Free, Legal, and Online: Why Hulu is the New Way to Watch TV,†Wired, September 22, 2008, accessed online at www.wired.com; Chuck Salter, â€Å"The Fast Company 50: #3 Hulu,†Fast Company, March, 2009, p. 59; Lynne d’Johnson, â€Å"In Only One Year, Hulu Becomes Fourth-Largest Video Site in U.S.,†Fast Company, March 23, 2009, accessed online at www.fastcompany .com.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Biography of George S. Patton, Famed American General
Biography of George S. Patton, Famed American General George S. Patton (November 11, 1885–December 21, 1945) was an American Army general noted for winning battles in World Wars I and II. He first came to attention as a commander fighting Pancho Villa in Mexico and helped revolutionize the use of tanks in warfare. Despite his many successes, his aggressive, colorful personal style and his temper often caused issues with his superiors. Fast Facts: George S. Patton Known For: Famed but controversial American combat generalAlso Known As: Old Blood and GutsBorn: Nov. 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, CaliforniaParents: George Smith Patton Sr., Ruth WilsonDied: Dec. 21, 1945 in Heidelberg, GermanyEducation: West PointSpouse: Beatrice AyerChildren: Beatrice Smith, Ruth Ellen, George Patton IVNotable Quote: Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. Early Life Born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California, George Smith Patton, Jr. was the son of George S. Patton, Sr. and Ruth Patton. An avid student of military history, the young Patton was descended from American Revolution Brigadier General Hugh Mercer and several of his relatives fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. During his childhood, Patton met former Confederate raider and family friend John S. Mosby. The old veterans war stories helped fuel Pattons desire to become a soldier. Departing home, he enrolled at the Virginia Military Institute in 1903 before transferring to West Point the following year. Compelled to repeat his plebe year due to poor grades in mathematics, Patton reached the position of cadet adjutant before graduating in 1909. Assigned to the cavalry, Patton went on to compete in the modern pentathlon at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm. Finishing fifth overall, he returned to the United States and was posted to Fort Riley, Kansas. While there, he developed a new cavalry saber and training techniques. Assigned to the 8th Cavalry Regiment at Fort Bliss, Texas, he took part in Brigadier General John J. Pershings Punitive Expedition against Pancho Villa in 1916. World War I During the expedition, Patton led the U.S. Armys first armored attack when he assaulted an enemy position with three armored cars. In the fighting, key Villa henchman Julio Cardenas was killed- earning Patton some notoriety. With the U.S. entry into World War I in April 1917, Pershing had Patton promoted to captain and took the young officer to France. Desiring a combat command, Patton was posted to the new U.S. Tank Corps. Testing new tanks, he observed their use at the Battle of Cambrai late that year. Organizing the American tank school, he trained with Renault FT-17 tanks. Swiftly advancing through the ranks to colonel in the wartime army, Patton was given command of the 1st Provisional Tank Brigade (later the 304th Tank Brigade) in August 1918. Fighting as part of the 1st U.S. Army, he was wounded in the leg at the Battle of St. Mihiel that September. Recovering, he took part in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive for which he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and Distinguished Service Medal, as well as a battlefield promotion to colonel. With the end of the war, he reverted to his peacetime rank of captain and was assigned to Washington, D.C. Interwar Years While in Washington, he encountered Captain Dwight D. Eisenhower. Becoming good friends, the two officers began developing new armored doctrines and devising improvements for tanks. Promoted to major in July 1920, Patton tirelessly worked as an advocate for the establishment of a permanent armored force. Moving through peacetime assignments, Patton led some of the troops that dispersed the Bonus Army in June 1932. Promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1934 and colonel four years later, Patton was placed in command of Fort Myer in Virginia. A New War With the formation of the 2nd Armored Division in 1940, Patton was selected to lead its 2nd Armored Brigade. Promoted to brigadier general in October, he was given command of the division with the rank of major general in April 1941. In the U.S. Armys build-up prior to World War II, Patton took the division to the Desert Training Center in California. Given command of the I Armored Corps, Patton relentlessly trained his men in the desert through the summer of 1942. In this role, Patton led the Western Task Force during Operation Torch, which saw his men capture Casablanca, Morocco in November of that year. A Unique Style of Leadership Seeking to inspire his men, Patton developed a flashy image and routinely wore a highly polished helmet, cavalry pants and boots, and a pair of ivory-handled pistols. Traveling in a vehicle featuring oversize rank insignias and sirens, his speeches were frequently laced with profanity and espoused the utmost confidence in his men. While his behavior was popular with his troops, Patton was prone to indiscreet remarks which often stressed Eisenhower, who had become his superior in Europe, and caused tension among the Allies. While tolerated during the war, Pattons vocal nature ultimately led to his relief. North Africa and Sicily In the wake of the U.S. II Corps defeat at Kasserine Pass in February 1943, Eisenhower appointed Patton to rebuild the unit at the suggestion of Major General Omar Bradley. Assuming command with the rank of lieutenant general and retaining Bradley as his deputy, Patton diligently worked to restore discipline and fighting spirit to the II Corps. Taking part in the offensive against the Germans in Tunisia, the II Corps performed well. Recognizing Pattons achievement, Eisenhower pulled him to aid in planning the invasion of Sicily in April 1943. Moving forward in July 1943, Operation Husky saw Pattons Seventh U.S. Army land on Sicily along with General Sir Bernard Montgomerys Eighth British Army. Tasked with covering Montgomerys left flank as the Allies moved on Messina, Patton grew impatient as the advance bogged down. Taking the initiative, he sent troops north and captured Palermo before turning east to Messina. While the Allied campaign was successfully concluded in August, Patton damaged his reputation when he slapped Private Charles H. Kuhl at a field hospital. Having no patience for battle fatigue, Patton struck Kuhl and called him a coward. Western Europe Though tempted to send Patton home in disgrace, Eisenhower, after consultations with Chief of Staff General George Marshall, retained the wayward commander after a reprimand and apology to Kuhl. Knowing that the Germans feared Patton, Eisenhower brought him to England and assigned him to lead the First U.S. Army Group (FUSAG). A dummy command, FUSAG was part of Operation Fortitude which was intended to make the Germans think that the Allied landings in France would occur at Calais. Though unhappy with losing his combat command, Patton was effective in his new role. In the wake of the D-Day landings, Patton was returned to the front as the commander of the U.S. Third Army on August 1, 1944. Serving under his former deputy Bradley, Pattons men played a key role in exploiting the breakout from the Normandy beachhead. Surging into Brittany and then across northern France, the Third Army bypassed Paris, liberating large chunks of territory. Pattons rapid advance came to a halt on August 31 outside of Metz due to supply shortages. As Montgomerys efforts in support of Operation Market-Garden took priority, Pattons advance slowed to a crawl, leading to a protracted battle for Metz. Battle of the Bulge With the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge on December 16, Patton began shifting his advance toward the threatened parts of the Allied line. As a result, in perhaps his greatest achievement of the conflict, he was able to quickly turn the Third Army north and relieve the besieged 101st Airborne Division at Bastogne. With the German offensive contained and defeated, Patton advanced east through the Saarland and crossed the Rhine at Oppenheim on March 22, 1945. Charging through Germany, Pattons forces reached Pilsen, Czechoslovakia by the wars end on May 7/8. Postwar With the end of the war, Patton enjoyed a brief trip home to Los Angeles where he and Lieutenant General Jimmy Doolittle were honored with a parade. Assigned to be the military governor of Bavaria, Patton was irritated not to receive a combat command in the Pacific. Openly critical of Allied occupation policy and believing that the Soviets should be forced back to their borders, Patton was relieved by Eisenhower in November 1945 and assigned to the Fifteenth Army, which was tasked with writing the history of the war. Patton died on December 21, 1945, from injuries sustained in a car accident 12 days earlier.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How Coconut Oil for Hair Will Make Your Hair Gorgeous
How Coconut Oil for Hair Will Make Your Hair Gorgeous SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips People have used coconut oil for thousands of years to moisturize their hair and scalp. In recent years, science has confirmed what many people already knew- coconut oil is a highly effective hair treatment. Want to promote hair growth? Get smoother, sleeker hair? Get rid of annoying dandruff? This guide will go over the top five benefits of coconut oil for hair, along with the evidence that proves why it works so well. Most importantly, we'll talk about how YOU can use coconut oil on your hair, step by step! To learn how coconut oil works, first you need to understand the structure of hair itself. This will really help you understand your body and how to treat it better. Let’s start there. Hair Structure: What You Need to Know To get why coconut oil works, first you need to understand how hair is structured. Each individual hair on your head is shaped like a cylinder. It has an inner tube made up of the cortex and medulla, and this tube is surrounded by a keratin-based shell called the cuticle. The cuticle isn’t very flexible, so it struggles to maintain its shape when hair expands and contracts. A healthy cuticle is able to keep its shape and protect the cortex within. A damaged cuticle, on the other hand, has trouble defending itself against the elements. The cuticle can crack or break, thereby exposing the cortex and letting out all the moisture inside. When cuticles break, your hair can feel coarse and have split ends. The cuticle has to protect the cortex from many elements, including heat, chemicals, and even water. In fact, water is one of the worst culprits for cuticle damage. Read on to find out why. Here's a serious close up of a single hair. Hair can feel dry and damaged if the cuticle breaks. (Sam Lindsay/All rights reserved) Water, Hair, and the Dangers of Hygral Fatigue When the individual hairs on your head get wet, they expand. When the water evaporates, they contract again. All of this movement can be tough on the cuticle, which is made up of a pretty inflexible material (the protein keratin, which also forms your fingernails and toenails). Healthy cuticles are good at warding off water and preventing over-absorption. In fact, having â€Å"hydrophobic†hair is one sign that your hair is healthy. You can analyze your own hair with a simple test: put a lock of hair in a glass of water. If it floats for a while, then it’s hydrophobic (hurray!). If, on the other hand, your hair sinks right to the bottom, then it absorbs water fast. If the cuticles around your hairs let in too much water too fast, then the actual fibers of the hair can come apart. This occurrence, known as hygral fatigue, shows itself with coarseness, breakage, and split ends. As you’ll see below, coconut oil is a great way to make your hair more hydrophobic, thereby protecting the cuticle and cortex within and preventing your hairs from unraveling like a ball of yarn. Before going into the benefits of coconut oil for your hair, let’s quickly review the other factors that affect the health of your hair. Too much blow drying and straightening can turn your hair into an arid desert. What's Damaging Your Hair? Your hair is technically a dead fiber once it leaves your scalp, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t respond to factors in your environment. Some external forces that damage hair are Heat, as from a blow dryer or hair straightener Chemicals, as from certain shampoos, conditioners, and hair dyes Touching and twisting, as from elastic, clips, or even just twirling your hair Besides your environment, your hair is also affected by internal factors, like your Nutrition Hydration Scalp circulation Stress levels (lots of stress can make your hair fall out!) Coconut oil addresses many of these factors. It helps moisturize your hair, plus it can be used to treat conditions, like dandruff and head lice. But why is it actually good for your hair? Let’s look at the top five benefits of coconut oil for your hair, why it works, and how you can use it. Bring the moisture back to your hair with a home coconut oil treatment. Top 5 Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair Applying coconut oil to your hair is a natural, chemical-free, and effective way to: #1: Deeply condition your hair#2: Treat and prevent damage#3: Reduce dandruff#4: Treat head lice#5: Stimulate hair growth With its cosmetic and medical benefits, coconut oil holistically maintains hair and scalp health in an all-natural way. While it may seem too good to be true, there are research studies that support its efficacy, as you’ll see below. First, let’s look at the most common use of coconut oil for hair- as a moisturizer. Benefit #1: Deeply Condition Your Hair Coconut oil is highly effective at flooding your hair with moisture. Remember how each hair is made of an inner tube surrounded by the cuticle? Coconut oil can actually penetrate the cuticle, make its way into the hair shaft, and moisturize it from the inside out. Once it soaks into your hair, coconut oil nourishes it with vitamins, mainly Vitamin E and K, minerals, like iron, and lauric acid. The lauric acid, in particular, is special, because it's attracted to proteins in the hair and helps coconut oil soak in. In addition to moisturizing your hair with vitamins and minerals, coconut oil also helps seal off the cuticle. This helps restore damaged cuticles and prevent hygral fatigue, or over-absorption of water. Coconut oil both adds and prevents the loss of moisture. Don’t just take my word for it, though. Read on to see what the Journal of Cosmetic Science has to say about the effectiveness of coconut oil as a hair moisturizer. When they looked closely, scientists confirmed what lots of people have known for centuries: coconut oil is a super effective hair moisturizer. Research on Coconut Oil as a Hair Moisturizer A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Science compared coconut oil to mineral oil to see which one better moisturized hair. Mineral oil, by the way, is widely used in mass-produced hair products. It’s an inexpensive oil, but it also turns out that it’s an ineffective one! This is what the scientists concluded: â€Å"The results show that coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft while mineral oil does not. The difference may be due to the polarity of the coconut oil compared to the nonpolar nature of the mineral oil. The affinity of the penetrant to the protein seems to be the cause for this difference in their behavior. This study also indicates that the swelling of hair is limited by the presence oil. Since the process of swelling and deswelling of hair is one of the causes of hair damage by hygral fatigue, coconut oil, which is a better penetrant than mineral oil, may provide better protection from damage by hygral fatigue.†When the scientists talk about the â€Å"affinity of the penetrant to the protein,†they’re referring to coconut oil’s ability to penetrate the hair shaft and moisturize it from the inside out. Beside adding moisture, it also prevents damage from water. Research studies aside, how can you actually apply coconut oil to your hair for a super dose of moisture? How to Use Coconut Oil to Moisturize Your Hair There really aren’t too many ways to go wrong with coconut oil. For the most part, you can use as much or as little as you want, and you have a lot of leeway in how long you leave it in. These seven steps will tell you everything you need to know about using coconut oil. First, you’ll need a few materials: Extra virgin coconut oil, preferably organic A shower cap or some kind of covering, like an old T-shirt (optional) Old shirt (so you don’t get oil on your clothes) It works best to apply coconut oil to damp, towel-dried hair. Once you’ve washed or just rinsed your hair and dried it off, your first step will be getting the coconut oil ready to apply. Step 1: Melt the Coconut Oil Get the coconut oil into liquid form. It’s solid at room temperature and melts at 76 degrees or higher. The best way to do this is to put together a makeshift double boiler by placing a cup or bowl of coconut oil into a bigger bowl of hot water. Note- you shouldn’t microwave the coconut oil. This can degrade the proteins. If you have fine hair and are only using a little, then you could also just rub the coconut oil between your hands. I use the double boiler method, as I’ve got thick hair and need to use several tablespoons of oil. Step 2: Determine How Much Coconut Oil to Use in Your Hair Experiment with how much oil to put in your hair. Finer hair may just use one to two teaspoons. If you have thicker hair, then you might use three to five tablespoons and work it through section by section. Figuring out the right amount may take some trial and error, but you can always rinse it out if you feel like you put too much. Step 3: Work the Coconut Oil Into Your Hair Work the coconut oil through your hair starting from the ends and moving your way up. You might avoid or go light on the roots and scalp, unless you’re specifically looking to moisturize your scalp or treat dandruff. If you’re not, then too much oil here could make the hair heavy and be tough to rinse out. If you're leaving coconut oil in your hair overnight, remember to put a towel on your pillow. This baby forgot and got oil everywhere. Step 4: Comb Your Hair Comb the oil through your hair with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb or brush. Try to distribute it evenly. Step 5: Let It Sit Put your hair up with an elastic or cover it with a shower cap or other covering. You can let your hair sit and moisturize for anywhere from half an hour to 18 hours. The longer you let it sit (up to a point), the more it can soak in and moisturize your hair. Step 6: Rinse Rinse the oil out of your hair. You can use shampoo or not, depending on whether you need to wash your hair. Step 7: Style Your Hair Style your hair normally! If you’re aiming to prevent dryness, try to avoid harsh heats from styling tools. You can also rub a small amount of coconut oil into your hair as a styling product. It can tame frizz, add shine, and act as a heat protectant. Just don’t overdo it and end up with oily clumps! Remember, coconut oil is an oil, so be careful about getting it on your clothes or pillow. Now let’s consider the second, related use of coconut oil - as a way to treat and prevent damage. Coconut oil restores damaged proteins? That's nuts. Benefit #2: Treat and Prevent Damage Coconut oil both treats and prevents damage to hair. In addition to the hygral fatigue you read about earlier, hair can also get damaged by protein loss. When you treat hair with chemicals or heat, you break bonds in proteins. When I straighten my curly hair with a 400 degree hair straightener, for instance, I’m breaking protein bonds and changing the structure of my hair. Of course, the curls come right back once my hair gets wet, but proteins aren’t always able to rebound to their original form. Lots of heat can result in long-term damage. Coconut oil can both fix existing damage to proteins and prevent further injury by acting as a heat protectant. Check out what this research study has to say about how coconut oil takes care of the proteins in your hair. Research on Coconut Oil to Prevent Protein Damage Many of the same researchers that looked at coconut oil as a moisturizer studied its effects on hair proteins. Their study was called â€Å"Effect of mineral oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage.†This is what they found: â€Å"The findings clearly indicate the strong impact that coconut oil application has to hair as compared to application of both sunflower and mineral oils. Among three oils, coconut oil was the only oil found to reduce the protein loss remarkably for both undamaged and damaged hair when used as a pre-wash and post-wash grooming product.†Coconut oil reduces protein loss because of its composition. It’s made of lauric acid, which, as mentioned above, can go inside the hair shaft. The other oils, which are in so many hair products, don’t contain lauric acid and thus can’t help with hair protein damage, as the researchers concluded: â€Å"Both sunflower and mineral oils do not help at all in reducing the protein loss from hair. This difference in results could arise from the composition of each of these oils. Coconut oil, being a triglyceride of lauric acid (principal fatty acid), has a high affinity for hair proteins and, because of its low molecular weight and straight linear chain, is able to penetrate inside the hair shaft.†Coconut oil offers a two-pronged approach to hair damage. It both treats damaged proteins by binding to them, and it prevents further loss. If you’re looking to use coconut oil to treat or prevent damage, what steps should you take? "My hair looks crazy. Sure wish I'd remembered to use coconut oil this morning." How to Use Coconut Oil to Treat Damage Treating damage and moisturizing your hair share a lot of overlap, so you can apply coconut oil using the seven steps described above. Distribute a good amount of liquid-form coconut oil in damp hair, and let it sit for anywhere from half an hour to overnight before rinsing out. Besides a full leave-in treatment, you can also use a small amount to prevent damage from heat, as described in these three steps. Step 1: Melt the Coconut Oil Get coconut oil in liquid form by rubbing it between your hands. Step 2: Rub the Oil Into Your Hair Rub anywhere from one to five teaspoons of coconut oil in your damp hair, depending on the thickness and length of your hair. Start from the bottom and work your way up, avoiding your roots to avoid oily build-up. Step 3: Comb the Coconut Oil Through Your Hair Evenly distribute the coconut oil throughout your hair with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb. If you find you put too much, you can rinse it out and try again! Step 4: Style Your Hair Style your hair as usual. You may use other products in conjunction with the coconut oil, but it can also work to reduce frizz and add shine to your hair on its own. You might love it so much that coconut oil becomes a part of your daily hair care routine! These first two benefits of coconut oil are all about restoring shine, body, and moisture to your hair. Beyond making your hair beautiful, coconut oil also has healthcare benefits, like treating dandruff and getting rid of head lice. Read on to learn how coconut oil accomplishes this and how to use it. Dandruff got you down? Coconut oil might get rid of it for good! Benefit #3: Get Rid of Dandruff Coconut oil has been to shown to contain antifungal and antibacterial properties that treat dandruff. It has been seen to be most effective in treating the dandruff caused by a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia. Since dandruff can have a number of causes, coconut oil may not always work on it. It’s definitely worth a try, though! At the very least, the oil will moisturize and soothe your scalp. Let’s check out the research base behind coconut oil as a dandruff treatment. Research on Coconut Oil to Treat Dandruff There’s a lot more anecdotal evidence that coconut oil works to treat dandruff than there is scientific evidence yet, but a lot of people swear by it. There have been some studies that looked at coconut oil as a skin moisturizer with antibacterial and antifungal properties. For instance, this study concluded the following: â€Å"The emergence of antimicrobial resistance, coupled with the availability of fewer antifungal agents with fungicidal actions, prompted this present study to determine the effectiveness of virgin coconut oil as an antifungal agent on these species...Coconut oil should be used in the treatment of fungal infections.†The study looked at Malassezia, by the way, the fungus that has been linked to dandruff. If you want to give it a try, read on for how to apply coconut oil. How to Use Coconut Oil to Treat Dandruff What’s the best way to use coconut oil to treat dandruff? Try these three steps to see if coconut oil is the remedy for you. Step 1: Shampoo Shampoo your hair thoroughly. Once you’ve rinsed out all the shampoo, towel dry your hair so it’s damp, not dripping. Step 2: Massage Coconut Oil Into Your Scalp Rub coconut oil between your hands to get it into liquid form. Massage two to four teaspoons of oil into your scalp, making sure to cover all the areas with dandruff. Step 3: Let It Sit Let the coconut oil sit on your scalp for at least ten minutes. Then rinse it out and shampoo your hair again. You can also let the coconut oil sit overnight, perhaps using a shower cap or covering your pillow with a towel to guard it from oil. You can use this coconut oil two to three times a week as needed. Coconut oil might save you a trip to the doctor! It's been shown to work better than traditionally prescribed head lice medicine. Benefit #4: Get Rid of Head Lice As you read above, coconut oil has both antibacterial and antifungal properties. These properties make it an effective treatment against head lice. In fact, it’s been shown to be even better than the widely prescribed medicine, permethrin lotion! The study below combined coconut oil with anise to produce an effective, lice-killing spray. Research on Coconut Oil to Treat Head Lice This research study compared coconut oil to permethrin lotion, the medicine that doctors usually prescribe to get rid of head lice. What did the scientists find? â€Å"We concluded that, although permethrin lotion is still effective for some people, the coconut and anise spray can be a significantly more effective alternative treatment.†Coconut oil doesn’t just work- it works better than the usual prescription! Read on to see how to use coconut oil for lice. How to Use Coconut Oil to Get Rid of Head Lice While you might douse your hair liberally with coconut oil to moisturize it, you would use the largest amount when attacking head lice. You’ll need coconut oil, a shower cap or towel, a comb, and a blow dryer. Step 1: Coat Your Hair and Scalp in Coconut Oil Get the coconut oil in liquid form via the makeshift double boiler method described above. Apply a liberal amount to coat your hair and scalp completely. Step 2: Massage Your Scalp Massage the coconut oil into your scalp for several minutes. Step 3: Cover Your Hair Cover your hair with a shower cap or towel for at least one to two hours. You may run a blow dry around your head to add heat. Step 4: Comb Out Dead Lice Remove the covering from your hair and use the comb to remove dead lice and eggs. Step 5: Wash and Repeat Wash your hair, and then repeat Steps 1 through 4. It’s best to let the oil sit for longer this time around, leaving it overnight if possible. When you remove the covering, again comb through your hair and then shampoo. Besides using pure coconut oil, you can also combine it with other ingredients. A few common remedies include combining coconut oil with three to five drops of tea tree oil, which has natural insecticide properties, or ten cloves of ground garlic, which has natural antiseptic properties. Some people have also tried covering their hair first with apple cider vinegar. They allow the vinegar to dry and then go through the steps of the coconut oil treatment. Finally, the multi-use coconut oil, in addition to all its other great uses, has also been said to stimulate hair growth. Massage coconut oil on your scalp, and you might become a real-life Rapunzel! Benefit #5: Stimulate Hair Growth Coconut oil has been said to promote hair growth. It moisturizes the scalp and impersonates natural scalp oils, specifically the oil sebum. Its various properties also help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus. Finally, coconut oil has been said to increase scalp circulation and oxygen. There isn’t much research research to support using coconut oil for hair growth yet, but with all its other great benefits, it won't hurt to give it a try. The steps below will tell you how. How to Use Coconut Oil for Hair Growth The research behind coconut oil as a hair growth stimulator is still lacking, but it’s certainly worth trying, if only for its antibacterial, antifungal, and moisturizing effects. All you need to do is massage two to three teaspoons of liquid coconut oil into your scalp and let it sit for at least ten minutes. Then wash your hair as normal. Use it several times a week and see if your hair grows more over time! Coconut oil may seem like a miracle substance with all its benefits for your hair and scalp, and many people believe that it is. At the same time, no treatment works the same for everyone. There are a few side effects that people have reported after using coconut oil on their hair. Using Coconut Oil for Hair: 3 Possible Side Effects People have reported three main problems with using coconut oil on their hair. Some people say it made their hair feel drier. Others said it caused a rash to break out on their neck. And a few others said that coconut oil caused acne breakouts. Coconut oil is, of course, an oil, and many agree that it can clog your pores and aggravate skin that’s prone to oiliness and acne. If you’re using coconut oil for the first time, you might just use a small amount and wait to see if you experience any of these side effects. If you do have a bad reaction, then you should simply stop using it. There are other natural oils you can try if you’re looking to cut out chemical-filled hair products, like olive oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, and jojoba oil. If you don't get any side effects, though, then you may have just found the secret to healthy hair and chemical-free hair care! Behold, the mighty coconut! This tropical fruit might just be the secret to amazing hair. Coconut Oil for Hair: Major Benefits and Uses For many people, coconut oil is an effective, versatile hair treatment. It’s full of nourishing vitamins and minerals, and its unique composition lets it penetrate the hair shaft and add moisture from the inside out. Besides using coconut oil as a deep conditioning treatment, you can also add some to style your hair or protect it from heat. Not only will you have one good hair day after another, but you’ll make your scalp healthy with coconut oil’s antibacterial and antifungal properties. Make sure to use coconut oil in liquid form- 76 degrees or higher. Once you’ve got the hang of it, you might experiment with adding in essential oils and creating your own hair products! Modern research studies and ancient practice agree - coconut oil is a great, all-natural way to get strong, healthy, beautiful hair.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
OSHA Legal Aspects of Safety and Health Research Paper - 1
OSHA Legal Aspects of Safety and Health - Research Paper Example Employers at this point if all the standards had been followed would stand to be offered citations unfairly. The other is impossibility of compliance defense whereby at that time of the hazard it was not functionally possible for the business to comply with OSHA standards or alternatives were unavailable. Greater hazard in compliance defense is the other whereby compliance will result in greater hazard than non-compliance. Lack of employer knowledge defense offers an avenue for employers in case they prove to have no prior knowledge of conditions that caused violation (Bitter, 1992). Equipment not in use defense acts to enable a vacation of a citation where the cited equipment was not being used. Marshall v. Barlow’s case went that OSHA searched Barlow’s business without a warrant with a claim that they had the power to do that. OSHA’s claim and conduct was ruled out by the Supreme Court but under that particular circumstance (OSHA, 2010). Atlas Roofing Co. v. OSHRC is the other case where OSHRC was given a green light by the Supreme Court to decide the instances of violations (OSHA,
Friday, November 1, 2019
Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice - Essay Example e status of vasectomy via interviews; most of the interviews involved telephoning, administration of questionnaires, the use of the healthcare centres registries, as well as the physical interview by nurses. Among the participants of the research included patients that had experienced the vas deferens’ surgical operation. In order to control the cases study various controls were taken into account; these included individuals that were diagnosed with skin and lung cancer. Other conditions such as digestive disorders and rehabilitation problems, as well as the neighbours of the patients were also treated as the controls of the case study (Bernal, Latour and Gomez, 2012). However, as regards they made decisions regarding the relevance of the primary studies, Bernal, Latour and Gomez (2012) do not point out the modality of selecting the papers for a review. The quality of the methodology was evaluated by taking into consideration a number of threats that are likely to be absent or present with respect to the validity. Among the threats included misclassifying of a disease and inadequacy of selecting the controls. Bernal, Latour and Gomez (2012) carried out an observation on a population of 221,238. Out of this population, 14,334 were categorized under case-control studies, while 206,904 fell under the cohort studies; there were nine case-control studies, and five cohort studies. Following the research, Bernal, Latour and Gomez (2012) claimed that the experimental evidence that was attained regarding the relationship between prostate cancer and vasectomy was characterized by a low level of quality. It was identified that there are several biases with respect to the sources; the sources attempted to overestimate the effect of vasectomy. In this respect, the evidence that was experienced does not advocate for a change in the family planning; this is due to lack of justified evidence. Similarly, the evidence does not indicate whether individuals who have experienced
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